
Friday, June 14, 2013

Low-Country Boil Pie

-Easy Rustic Pie
  Dough (recipe below)
-3 cups chicken broth
-1 tsp. Cajun spice blend
-Pinch of cayenne
-2 Tbs. butter
-1 cup regular grits
-1 Idaho potato
-8 oz. sharp cheddar
  cheese, shredded
-1/2 cup heavy cream
-1 red bell pepper, chopped
  into a fine dice
-1 jalapeno pepper, deseeded
  and chopped
-1 cup fresh corn kernels
-1 link Andouille sausage, casing
  removed, cut into small pieces
-4 eggs
-Salt, to taste
-1/2 lb. fresh, raw medium-sized shrimp

-Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Line a 9-inch pie pan with the dough. Dock the dough and freeze it for 20 minutes. Line the crust with parchment, fill it with pie weights or dried beans, and bake it for 15 minutes. Remove the pie weights and parchment and bake the crust for 5-10 minutes more, just until the raw-dough sheen goes away. Set the crust aside.
-Bring the chicken broth, Cajun spice, cayenne, and butter to a boil in a large saucepan. Stir in the grits and whisk to combined. Reduce the heat to low and simmer until the grits thicken, 8-10 minutes.
-Peel the potato, place it in a small saucepan filled with water, and boil until it is fork-tender. Cool the potato and cut it into ½ inch cubes.
-Add the cheddar, cream, bell pepper, jalapeno, corn, Andouille, and potato to the grits and stir until combined.
-In a small bowl, whisk the eggs to break them up and stir them into the grits. Test the seasoning and add salt to taste. Add the shrimp, stirring gently to distribute them evenly.
-Pour the mixture into the crust. Bake the pie for 35-40 minutes, or until the custard is set.

Easy Rustic Pie Dough

-7/8 cup flour, cold
-1/8 cup cornmeal
-1/2 tsp. salt
-1/2 Tbs. sugar
-1/2 cup unsalted butter, cut
into small pieces and chilled
in the freezer for 10 minutes
-1/4 cup ice water
-1/2 tsp. lemon juice.

-In the bowl of a food processor fitted with the blade attachment, pulse together the flour, cornmeal, salt, sugar, and butter until the mixture resembles cornmeal.
-In a small bowl, stir together the ice water and the lemon juice. Slowly add the liquid to the flour mixture, pulsing, until the dough just comes together. Squeeze a small piece of dough between your thumb and index finger to make sure it holds its shape.
-Turn the dough out onto a lightly floured surface and divide it in half. Gently turn over each piece of dough a few times so that any dry bits are incorporated. Form each piece into a loose disk, cover the dough with plastic wrap, and let it rest in the fridge for at least 20 minutes. 

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